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1. Snell Acoustics Speaker IC-LCR7 User Guide

Premier Series IC LCR7 A HI PERFORMANCE LCR THAT CAN STAND WITH THE BEST TWO CHANNEL The left and right speaker in an audiophile two channel system can uncannily recreate all the complexity detail and space of a live performance while the center channel speaker is regarded as the most important speaker in any multi channel surround system LCR s are a multipurpose design for both of these critical applications The 1C LCR7 is a D Appolito Array designed by Snell chief

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SNell AMC Series AMC 830 SNELL S 3rd GENERATION IN WALL LCR A ZERO COMPROMISE MUSIC AND THEATER MONITOR In 1990 Snell built the world s first fully enclosed in wall LCR Like better freestanding monitor s it had accurate predictable bass pinpoint imag ing detail and startl
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Owner s Manual 720 760 800 900 thx SPECIFICATIONS AMC720 AMC760 Frequency Response 3dB 65 Hz 20 kHz 62 Hz 20 kHz Recommended Amplifier 10 125W 10 150W Nominal Impedance 8 ohms 8 ohms Sensitivity 2 83v at 1m 87dB SPL 89dB SPL Tweeter s 1 alumi
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SNell AMC 2000 HIGH PERFORMANCE IN WALL SPEAKER FOR INVISIBLE THEATER AN IN WALL VERSION OF THE AWARD WINNING XA 1900thx The AMC 2000 is the in wall version of the world s first THX Ultra2 certified speaker The AMC 2000 sets a benchmark for main channels playback of Music and Movies Digital and ProLogic DVD and CD David Smith Snell s president and chief engineer solved the three problems that hold back In Wall speakers from serious theater consideration First to e
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Thunderous Deep accurate impactful bass does more to sell the realism of music and movies than any other part of the spectrum With Snell s SPA 200 amplifier and one of its companion in wall subwoofers Snell has found a way to achieve bass realism invisibly To make in wall subs work I mean really work the effects of the in wall cavity must be eliminated Snell s two in wall subs the AMC Subl 0 and AMC Sub88 with the SPA 200 effectively negate the distortio
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SncII Premier Series IW J7 IN WALL VERSION OF OUR J7 PERFECT FOR MUSIC AND HOME THEATER The IW J7 is Snell s J7 monitor re engineered for flush mount use As you would expect many of the features developed by Snell over the past 30 years are in full use To achieve the perfor
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